Enduro Escursionismo Ph M. Cappè (106)

Bike trails

Val di Sole best trails to ride with our rental bike




The itinerary starts from Fonti di Rabbi, near the small church. From here, follow the dirt road that runs alongside the Rabbies torrent, passing next to the old Venetian sawmill that has been renovated. After about 500 meters, take the forest road uphill to the Malga Polinar. The road climbs for 4 kilometers entirely in the woods until it crosses another forest road that leads downhill to Malga Stableti. Just below the malga you cross the locality Fontanon (equipped area) and from here you take the forest road to Malga Cercen. The path is undulating and every now and then rises with long steep stretches until you reach Malga Cercen Bassa. From here to the right, the road becomes flatter until you reach Malga Vilar (2,020 m) located on the slope just beyond the forest vegetation. Continue in the direction of Malga Fassa (2.057 m) through wide pastures and a steep gully along an easy path where you need to push the mtb for about 20 minutes. A little further on from the malga, which can also be reached by a road from the bottom of the valley, we move at the same altitude to Malga Monte Sole Alta (2,048 m), renowned for its milk processing and the production of typical high mountain cheese. Following the road down to the bottom of the valley, after two hairpin bends on the left, signs for Malga Fratte Alta lead to a path that crosses the beautiful fir and larch forest on a slight descent. The malga (1,857 m), abandoned for some time, is situated in an exceptionally panoramic position with a view of the Val di Rabbi and has construction details typical of past times. The path descends zigzagging rapidly among the pastures and enters the woods and, with a considerable gradient (there are some technical stretches), leads in a short time to the Malga Fratte Bassa (1.482 m) which, situated on a dominant plain, offers an excellent opportunity to admire the valley, the waterfalls, the high pastures and the peaks often covered with snow. Go down again to the bottom of the valley, where another forest road leads you past the very characteristic Venetian sawmill and up, with the Rabbies stream on your left, until you reach the paved road that leads to the Fontanino, the Stablasolo hut and the Saent waterfalls. Take the road on the right and after a kilometer on the left, take a small wooded road with some steep ups and downs that goes up along the high meadows of the valley (splendid views of the Val di Rabbi), then quickly, through ancient settlements, you reach Fonti di Rabbi. 

Possibility refreshment:

Malga Monte Sole

Difficulty: 3

Distance: 25,2 kmt.

Duration: 240 min.

Difference in height: 1404mt

Downhill: 1404mt

Ground: Gravel road



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